Heal Sports Medicine
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Telephone: (905) 712-1949

Do You Have Shin Splints? Common Signs and Symptoms

Do You Have Shin Splints? Common Signs and Symptoms

Posted by on Jun 15, 2017 in Massage Therapist and Physiotherapy Blog

Do You Have Shin Splints? Common Signs and Symptoms

You may have heard of the term “shin splints”, or even heard someone you know complaining of them. But what exactly are they, and are you at risk for getting them?

Shin splints are actually a fairly common problem found in people who have foot problems and/or are heavily active in one or more sports. Caused by compounded stress from running, jumping, and rapid starting and stopping, the pain of shin splints can come on suddenly and create ongoing discomfort in one or both legs. Targeted between the ankle and knee, shin splints often cause pain that can be mild or severe depending upon the amount of stress and activity that has caused the problem.

It’s important to be aware of any developing pain in the lower part of your leg, including what may appear to be muscular discomfort on the lower, inner leg. This could be an indicator that you have muscle fatigue and compounding stress on the muscles, bones, tendons, and ligaments that require rest in order to repair and restore themselves. Additionally, it is important to seek medical attention if you notice that your shins are hot to the touch, they are visibly inflamed, you have pain even when you are resting, or you have swelling that gets progressively worse.

Treatment of shin splints often includes a combination of rest, ice to reduce swelling, elevating your feet and legs, and wearing compression bandages to give your legs greater support. Your medical professional can assist you in determining the severity and proper care of shin splints to help reduce your pain and discomfort and provide long-term relief.

At Sprains & Strains, we’ll be happy to assist you with the diagnosis and treatment of shin splints and a variety of other sports-related injuries that may prevent you from achieving peak performance. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.